Advisory & Brokerage.
Selling a medical centre?
If you have decided to sell or considering the possibility then you should talk to us! In today’s market, there are a variety of options when it comes to selling a Medical Centre. MCAB is committed to ensuring new and existing clients firstly receive the best advice about their Medical Centre before deciding what course of action will ensure the best financial outcome for them.
Today the most obvious option to take may not be strategically the best option. We look at all the possibilities before making our recommendations to you.
If selling is the preferred option and considered the best outcome, our ability to present the business to the market in the best possible manner will ensure a great result and a smooth transaction. Your investment needs to be managed with great skill and care. If you’re looking to sell a Medical Centre, get in touch with us today.

Free Market Appraisals
It takes years of experience and industry knowledge to not only understand the value of a Medical Centre based not only on purely its historic financial result. In many cases, other factors may result in the ‘highest and best value’ of the Medical Centre beyond its financial results. There are many elements that are non-financial that most people do not take into account or simply do not have the experience to know they exist. These elements could be attributed to a much higher price being achieved for your Medical Centre.
The motivation of buyers to secure the business that is right for the buyer ensures he/she pays a price above the businesses financial value. This does not say the buyer has paid too much or the seller got more than he/she should have for the business. It does, however, confirm that there are buyers that will pay more for the business they want. In our hands, we know what to do for our clients and our buyers are also delighted to have been given the opportunity to secure the business.
MCAB has strong connections to allied professionals including ‘Health sector’ financial institutions, Valuers, Accounting and legal firms focused on the Healthcare market. These strong relationships assist in supporting buyer’s financial requirements and the sale process of the Medical Centre for the ‘highest and best value’ that can be achieved. Our experience and knowledge in these areas make all the difference to maximising your Medical Centre investment for you our client.
In most cases financial information speaks for itself, however, the macro factors and our ability to present the business to the market in the best possible manner will ensure a great result and a smooth transaction. We are mindful of your loyal patients and staff and ensure they are respected through the process, that’s why all our buyers to sign Confidentiality Agreements with no direct contact with you and your Medical Centre.
MCAB represents you independently to the entire market. We don’t represent other organisations, brands or groups that might have other competing or conflicting factors. We simply work for you to achieve the best possible result and support the sale until settlement.